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Affordable Copy & Printer Leasing in Daytona Beach, FL


Comprehensive Printer Service & Repairs in Daytona Beach, FL


Friendly Copy & Printer Sales in Daytona Beach, FL


Learn More About Our History and Legacy




Copiers & Printers
Service & Repair
Large Format



Superior Printer Sales and Services

When it comes to getting your printing devices taken care of, you can depend on the team at Geoda Systems Inc. to satisfy you. We’ve been the leading provider of copier repair in Daytona Beach, FL, and surrounding areas for decades, fulfilling personal and business-related copying and printing needs. Our vast inventory comprises the latest and greatest bizhub and Konica Minolta products, and we are an authorized dealer for the brand. Whether you want to buy a new device or have your current one repaired or maintained, you can expect nothing less than fantastic customer service.




guy outside of store

Unmatched Copier Leasing and Price Models

We make buying, renting, and attaining copiers and printers affordable and accessible. Our seven-year lease agreement gives leasers two more years of use than the average five-year agreement. The extra years are payment-free so that you can operate your printer in comfort and peace of mind. If you want a fixed payment option without surprises or hidden fees, our pay-per-click option is right for you. With this model, you pay only for the pages you print and nothing more. It comes with a built-in maintenance service. Reach out to us if your printer needs maintenance, and our technicians will arrive swiftly to restore it.


We Service and Repair All Major Brands

As seasoned, trained, and knowledgeable professionals, we can perform repairs, maintenance, and parts replacements on major printer and copier makes and models. If your printer is malfunctioning or damaged, we’ll provide you with a same-day repair to return it to tip-top condition. Our team will work strategically and diligently to restore your device’s function and performance to get your daily operations back on track.



Customer Reviews


Geoda Systems Inc.

919 N Beach St
Daytona Beach, FL 32117


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM


919 N Beach St, Daytona Beach, FL 32117, USA

Contact Us Today